4-in-1 Newborn Bundle Application

Applying for newborn child’s birth certificate, health card, SIN and Canada Child Benefit

When your baby is born, it’s essential to take steps to register for several important documents and benefits. These include your child’s birth certificate, health card, Social Insurance Number (SIN), and the Canada Child Benefit (CCB). In many provinces and territories, these can all be applied for conveniently through a bundled provincial online service.

Birth Certificate

The birth certificate is a vital document that proves your child’s identity and place of birth. It will be required for various purposes, including enrolling in school, obtaining a passport, or accessing government services. To apply, you’ll need to visit your provincial or territorial government’s website, where you can often find an option to complete the process online. If your province offers a bundled service, you can simultaneously apply for your child’s other necessary documents.

Health Card

Your child will also need a health card to access public healthcare services in your province or territory. The application process is typically combined with the birth certificate registration. The health card allows your child to receive necessary medical care without having to pay out of pocket, as Canada’s healthcare system covers most basic health services. Depending on your province, the health card application may be automatically processed alongside the birth registration.

Social Insurance Number (SIN)

A Social Insurance Number (SIN) is crucial for your child’s future financial activities, such as opening a bank account, applying for scholarships, or eventually working in Canada. If your province offers the bundled registration service, you can request a SIN for your newborn at the same time as you apply for their birth certificate and health card. The SIN will be sent to you by mail within a few weeks.

Canada Child Benefit (CCB)

The Canada Child Benefit (CCB) is a tax-free monthly payment provided to families to help with the cost of raising children under 18. By registering your child’s birth, you automatically trigger the process to apply for this benefit. The amount you receive depends on your family income, and payments usually begin within a few months after registration.

Note that some provinces and territories may not offer the bundled or online registration service. In these cases, you will need to apply for each document individually through the appropriate government offices or websites.

4-in-1 Newborn Bundle Application

Links to provincial newborn bundle application

British Columbia (Bundled service)

Ontario (Bundled service)





Newfoundland & Labrador (Bundled service)

Nova Scotia (Bundled service)

New Brunswick

Prince Edward Island

Yukon (no online service, apply in person, by mail or by fax)

Northwest Territories (no online service, apply in person, by mail or by fax)

Nunavut (no online service, apply by mail)


Suggest Reading: Canada Dental Plan for Senior

More Read: How to apply Canada Child Benefit

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